Visit Kanchi

This mosque is named after Nawab Sathathullah Khan, the third Nawab of Carnatic, who was originally known as Mohammed Said. The Nawabs of Carnatic governed the region as representatives of the Mughal emperor, and since they established Arcot as their headquarters, they were also called the Arcot Nawabs. Recognizing Mohammed Said’s administrative skills, Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb awarded him titles such as Sathathullah Khan and Kibhayat Khan. The mosque in Kanchipuram is located near the Vaikunda Perumal Temple, and both the Hindu shrine and the Islamic Mosque share the same tank and compound. This exemplifies communal harmony in Tamil Nadu, particularly in Kanchipuram.


Near Vaikunda Perumal temple


Religion               : Islam

Period                  : 18th Century

Category             : Mosque

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